TOP 75 INDIAN BRANDS SERIES - SOCIAL SPLASHH – Media & Digital Marketing Experts!


In today’s times, Social media and Digital Marketing can easily help you launch your brand, sell your products without having a website and of course make your brand a famous one. Here’s where our next brand SOCIAL SPLASHH comes handy for the #supportsmallbusiness ventures.

SOCIAL SPLASHH confirms that where most brands go wrong is in their choice of choosing their social media manager. While they want to reduce operational costs, they hand over their social media to be handled by amateur, out-of-college youngsters who mess the golden phase of the brand launch. “Social media management of a brand’s page is not just about posting 10 creatives for you and checking the messages on a daily basis. It is much more than that”, confirms the SOCIAL SPLASHH founder.

Social media is all about brand awareness, brand reputation and maximizing the free social media tools to educate your clients, improve brand visibility and garner new potential buyers. Creating engrossing and stimulating content which provoke a buyer to make a sale is of prime importance.

To get your brand featured in the TOP 75 INDIAN BRANDS SERIES, click HERE

The services provided by SOCIAL SPLASHH are:

1.    Effective set-up of the social media options in view of the branding image

2.   Generation of content which enhance the brand reputation and visibility

3.   Cascading of the brand promotional news in an offline mode too

4.   Generating reviews for brands on Amazon, Google, Zomato and other options

5.   Influencer Management & Marketing

6.   Upscaling business promotion options

7.   Enhancing brand loyalty by providing competition analysis and future sales ideas

8.   A Life Coach to take you through the steps to success

To read more on the TOP 75 INDIAN BRANDS SERIES, click HERE

You can connect with the SOCIAL SPLASHH team on

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